Friday 15 June 2007

Greetings from a random country!

Hello everybody!

I thought its about time that I finally put something on this post!

So anyway to continue with Danny's guessing game I will not give away the country I am in! If you really are interested you'll have to find out!

Travels up to now......

As im sure you are all aware that I left about 10 days ago now (but it feels much longer)... I wont repeat much of what Danny has said already..... So to keep it brief after leaving Manchester I first travelled to brighton, then onto Amsterdam. I spent a night here enjoying the highlights... everything is very RED!

I then met up with the two D's (thats Danny and Dean) and travelled onto Interlaken. In interlaken as im sure you all know, we went canoying! (I think this only happened because I got a bit drunk and decided I wonted to be a liitle crazy the next day......

so why not try Canoying???? It included stuff like absailing, canyon jumping, zip lines and sliding down rocks in all sorts of ways!

Now onto venice..... Satrted queing up for the tourist information but I got pounched on by a guy! He offered a hostel for 25euro a night each. Didn't hesitate at all as this was a bargin! Spent the next day wandering around the alleys of venice getting lost several times!

Pigeon Man

The ferry to corfu was long! But the sunset at 5am was brilliant! I never went back to sleep after that.....

Then it was corfu. Again i got pounched on, this time by a woman! The name of the hostel was the pink palace! Brilliant place! Danny wanted to go on a booze cruise, but me and Dean decided getting naked, drinking alcohol and swimming was not quite 'our' thing! Sea kayaking sounded much better and indeed it was (However Danny was very unimpressed!)

party time! at the Pink Palace

Now the secret place! We departed Corfu by boat (It would have to be a boat unless we swam! - not a good idea!) This was followed by a bus ride, a long and hot one! The roads were anything but flat and straight! Sometimes it felt like we were going to fall off cliff edges bu we safely got to our planned destination! ....

The least flat and straight road of Europe!

... i had no idea what to expect when we got off! But i can tell you something... for all guys that have watched Eurotrip (you know the one - its got me in it :) ..) well i think i found were they filmed Bratislava... its our mystery place which you lot must guess! We exchanged 10 pounds and instantly felt really rich! Its suprising how far that money could take us... Our place for the night was an apartment.... it had two floors, two bathrooms, a kitchen, a lounge and two bedrooms. For all three of us we didnt pay much more than I payed for a stinky small bed in a huge dorm room in Amsterdam!

This morning we left (sadly) by train and then taxi! the train ride was about 4 hours long and reminded me of the Cambodian one. Cherrelle I think these few hints might have given away the place.... The windows only existed partially, i.e some were windows had fully glass, some brocken/cracked and some just had a gap! The gap one appeared in the toilet, so people outside could just watch you have a pee! NICE! just like in Cambodia, we passed through the slums of the city, then lots of greenery and kids swimming in filty ponds. This country really didn't feel like it belonged to Europe!

The end stop off the Line... We are standing in the middle of some cross roads with all four roads being nothing but dusty, and dirty (Along with I think a dead dog covered in flies - How nice)

Once again when we got off this train, we hadn't a clue of which way to walk. The roads were dusty, everyone look at us funny and I couldnt even remember the name of the place we were intending to head off to! Eventually we found a nice enough taxi driver to drive us accross the border! The border crossing was uneventful BUT about 5 minutes after this, the taxi got stopped by police! We had to empty EVERYTHING in our rucksacks. A questioned every item to ensure it didnt contain any drugs! (Mum - I emptied out one of those B1 vitamin things!!)

Our firendly taxi driver!

Anyhows we are now safely back on the coast, this country is a bit more modern, they even use the Euro! Heading off to Croatia tommorow at 5am! Such an Early wake up again!

Danny and Dean... awwwww

then it looks like we are going to hit,

Hungary and Germany before somehow heading off to Finland!


Anonymous said...

Im insanely jealous already, and youv not even left europe yet!! hope you have a great time!


Anonymous said...

hey, so glad youre all safe and sound so far :) this trip sounds fantastic man - im green with envy! when will you be in Finland? im heading out on the 25th july but i guess you'll have been and gone by then? leme know. take care, katja.x

Anonymous said...

Hey! You'r travels sound great, really inspiring, it's cool that you are managing to see so much of the world and experience a lot.
You're going to have to give me some tips on travelling cos i plan on going soon and you seem to be the expert.
Can't guess on where your secret place is, maybe i should give it some thought.
Anyways hope you carry on enjoying yourself, speak to you soon xx

Anonymous said...

Hei, pojat!
Täällä Miikan kummitäti odottelee jo Suomessa.
Turvallista matkaa koko porukalle!

oatie said...

hey boys hope your having a whale of a time ? Seems as though u r ! The gym seems queit without u lot ! lol